Friday, September 2, 2011

Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean is Performing at Kiehls on Fashion's Night Out

I had prepared an awesome, uber-categorized Guide to Fashion's Night Out to start rolling out today, but this news just trumps everything:

Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean is Performing at the Kiehls Store on Third Avenue. That's It. Enough Said. Everyone, this is where you need to be.

But seriously, this news is very exciting (to me at least) and I'm sure will draw a huge crowd to the store. No exact time has been given for McLean's performance, but starting at 6:30 you can perform your own tune! Everyone who sings will receive a free lip balm and will be entered into one of the hourly raffles. Sounds fun to me.

Don't worry,  I'll regain my full composure and have more of the Guide to Fashion's Night Out in the days to come.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's (Almost) Fashion's Night Out!

It's Fashion's Night Out!

Is what I yelled last year when I woke up early that Friday morning. Even though the actual night of shopping was hours away, I was sweltering with excitement and prepping myself for what was an amazing night of fun, fashion and retail.

This year, Fashion's Night Out returns on September 8 (That's seven days away) and the Global Celebration of Fashion, now in it's third year is going to be bigger than ever!

Event Itineraries have been steadily flowing in, and I've been diligently examining them to find the best there is to offer. Over the next week here on the site as the Vogue Memoirs undergoes it's official re-branding, I'll be filling you in the ultimate guide of the NYC destinations to be on that magical night. I'll let you know where you can shop with stars, where you can get limited edition FNO swag, where the best parties and performances will be and so much more. No matter who you are, there's something for you to do on FNO and you can find it here.

I'm also very excited to announce that Fashion's Night Out Will Serve as the Official launch to another of the Roderic David Media Group sites, The Firm. The Firm is a blog dedicated to PR and Events for the DIY generation and show how anyone can put together a unique, fun and entertaining event on any budget. The site will make it's official launch tomorrow and will feature tips on throwing together your own at home Fashion's Night Out Party. New tips and ideas will be featured everyday until the big night. I'm very excited to launch The Firm and I hope you'll check it out tomorrow.

In the meantime, check the official Fashion's Night Out and Vogue websites for more details, and come back here tomorrow to for the start of the Official Vogue Memoirs Guide to Fashion's Night Out!