The Hills is The Story of My Life.
For Real.
The Hills first aired in May of 2006, shortly before my Freshman year of High School, and is now ending in July of 2010, shortly after my High School Graduation. In those four years, everything has changed both on the show and in my life, and as I move on to the next chapter of my life, The Hills is one of the most defining things in it so far.
When I think of the progression of The Hills, I think of one thing: Lauren Conrad to Kristin Cavallari. When I started High School, I was very much an LC. I was sweet, kind, and a genuinely nice boy who wanted nothing more but to enjoy the ride that was High School. Upon graduation however, I was totes K Cav. I was over pretending to like people I didn't, became a bit (a lot) of bitch and found that drama followed me. Along the way in my transition from one reality star persona to another, I experienced so many of the things that happened to the characters on the show. I found a passion in the Fashion Industry like Lauren and Whitney, found what it was like to find a true best friend (ironically enough named Lauren) and have the people that meant so much to me be the ones who would turn their backs on me and found friendship in the most unlikeliest of people.
So when senior year rolled around, I relished in the opportunity to write wonderful college essays about the reality shows that mirrored my life: My middle school years were like Laguna Beach, High School was The Hills and I was anticpating college life like The City. Back then, I thought that essay would be a fun and creative way to express myself to schools. Now I realize more than ever that those shows are not just the story of my life, but important parts of it, especially The Hills.
I can't describe in words what it was like to in each episode be able to tune out for a half hour and tune into the lives of a group of people who for every way were completely unlike me, resembled my so closely in thoughts, aspirations, emotions and experiences. The Hills taught me most to always dream, and to always see the glamour in life, and that no matter who you are you have a story to tell.
Another thing I take from The Hills is the knowledge that no matter what happens, you can always go back. Looking back to Lauren Conrad's final episode I remember the scene with the girls (sans Heidi) all going out for lunch and talking about the time they've had and thinking to myself, "Wow. I never saw this coming. All of these girls hated at least one other person at the table at one point." Regardless, they were there, and they moved beyond their drama and onto the next phase of their life.
Although I love her to pieces, Kristin is nothing but drama! Yes I enjoyed being the bad boy my senior year, and did have fun in starting drama (occasionally) for fun (towards the end of the year when I'd gotten so used to it I thrived on it) I realized that I can't be the same catty, clicky, bitchy person in college. I needed to stop. But then I realized, I couldn't. I couldn't go back to being sweet LC. I was K Cav now!
Quickly graduation came around, and in the midst of all the hooplah all around me, I wanted nothing but peace. I didn't want a huge graduation party, didn't want to go through all of the rituals and ceremonies and was even talking to people I never thought I would because I was just too tired and exhausted to keep up my stand offish facade. Even though I was (and am) K Cav deep inside LC was still inside me. All I wanted was my diploma, and to drive off into the sunset leaving all the drama behind me. Another flashback to Lauren's final scene, her sitting there in the car with the most prolific lyrics being sung in the background " Say Goodbye to the way I was before, Say hello to a new day."
For me, my show ended there. I was able to quietly drive off into the sunset and leave the drama behind, but one thing I do regret most about high school is that so much of my drama was never actually resolved. It'd sort of faded away, but wasn't dealt with, and until then I won't be be able to completely move on. I understand Lauren's change of heart and her decision to go the wedding. She and Heidi had there spat, but in the end, they were able to go back to where they were before, even if just for a moment before moving on.
So that's what I hope for tonight. I hope to see each and one of the characters (hopefully LC too) go back to the beginning before moving on with the next exciting phase of their lives.
So even though I'm totes not ready for this jelly, The Hills has reached it's end. High School has reached it's end. It's now time for the next chapter in my story, navigating New York City, and making my name in the world of Fashion. But the show will live on in DVDs, syndication and spinoffs. I will have my memories of High School, and one day I will return to finally settle it all.
I get now the Power of Television, and I get what it's like when people fall in love with shows because it touches them and speaks to them in special ways. It's just sunk in that I don't know what I'm going to do without The Hills, and that with college a month away I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of my life, and it's scary. But like my girl K Cav, I've got to boldly strut and make an entrance into the world. And if you know K Cav, you know it'll be a huge interest. And like my number one girl LC, I've always got to carry myself with class and dignity even in my lowest points, and always listen to my head and my heart. I both LC and K Cav, and The Hills will live inside me.
So Farewell gang. The Show is Over, Say Goodbye. But you can always go back home.